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Format: | 100% Downloadable PDF |
Instrument: | Violin |
Skill: | Complete Beginner |
Type: | Tutorial & Song Book |
Pages: | 91 in total - over 3 books |
Series: | 'Learn To Play The Violin' series. |
Learn To Play The Violin Book 3 AND Song Book 3.
Both books are available to purchase individually:
Both books go hand in hand with each other.
See individual listings for more details on each book (links above).
Piano accompaniments to the 10 pieces in Song Book 3 are available to purchase separately HERE or as part of the 'TRIPLE DEAL'.
Click HERE to watch the video demonstration that accompanies this book.
13 Reviews
3rd position part 1 violin, Bowing and finger techniques aprt 2
Very easy to understand and apply.
I have purchased books and song books 1-3. Alison is the best teacher that I have found for the violin. They are easy to follow and learn by. She is a very thorough teacher.r.
Great Books Great Teacher
Combo deal book 3
Very clear, progression at right speed, enjoyable and easy to follow.
Song book 3 and lesson book 3
I have made it through books 1 and 2 as well as watched the accompanying YouTube videos and am now working on number 3. This program WORKS! I love the self paced system and the freedom. I’m getting better by the day and it is entirely thanks to this lesson plan.
Violin Book 3 combo deal
Just as expected after closely following books 1 and 2. Alison explains things so clearly, telling me what to as well as what not to do. One question: my aim is to play Irish fiddle music. When I watch players on YouTube they seem to stay in first position. It would be helpful to have comments in the books that relate to different styles/ambitions. Thank you. Looking forward to book 4 although there is a huge amount to work on in book 3.
The wedding book
Excellent product. Beautiful collection of wonderful music. It's a joy to learn from you
Great way to advance...
This third lesson book and song book combo of the AMS violin course is a perfect way to move into more advanced material. I would make sure you properly digest the first 20 lessons and the first 2 song books before diving into this, or it could prove to be too challenging and frustrate you. I had supplemented the AMS lessons with other basic etudes and songs, but Alison will challenge you with her exercises, as that is the way to grow and develop. When diving into third position, always pay careful attention to what key you’re in, and make sure you know your keys well for up to 3 sharps or 3 flats in first position before going there. Good luck.. highly recommended!
I think they are great.
So happy I found them. Thank you so much.
Violin books
Very good for self learning purposes.
Combo Deal/Learn to play the violin book 3 and song book 3, download only
This resource is very well done!